
An Exceptional Anniversary Year for the Ottawa Heart Institute

OTTAWA, December 22, 2016 – As 2016 winds down, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) can look back on a remarkable 40th anniversary year that brought together the extended Heart Institute community in celebration and appreciation. Significant accomplishments in patient care and research were made by the Heart Institute’s committed team who has undeniably contributed its reputation in Canada and around the world. Last…

Posted on January 9, 2017

Flu Shot Can Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Getting the flu shot can help us avoid all of the uncomfortable symptoms of influenza. But can it do even more than that? Read More On The Beat

Posted on January 4, 2017

Vial of Life

The Vial of Life is the least expensive project funded by the Ottawa Heart Institute’s Patient Alumni association at $0.60 per unit, yet it is highly effective and potentially life-saving. The Vial of Life kit is given to all patients upon discharge from the Ottawa Heart Institute (HI). It consists of a vial (a large plastic pill bottle), an information sheet for your name…

Posted on December 14, 2016

Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Blood Pressure

What is blood pressure and how is it a risk factor for heart disease? It is the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system and is the measured by two numbers: systolic and diastolic pressure. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, often known as “the silent killer” if can go undiagnosed for years. Healthy lifestyle changes are the best way…

Posted on November 28, 2016

Helping Men Deal with the Emotional Impact of Heart Disease

  Men and women tend to deal with life changing circumstances differently. Heart disease is no exception, and the issues men experience often are not specifically addressed. “Cultural expectations are that men shouldn’t show any emotions because that’s somehow perceived as weak,” said Heather Tulloch, PhD, a psychologist with Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation at the Ottawa Heart Institute. “As a result, many don’t reach…

Posted on November 20, 2016

The Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation: 10 years of smoking cessation in the Champlain region!

OTTAWA, October 17, 2016 – The Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation (OMSC), created and powered by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI), is celebrating ten years of partnership with local hospitals in the Champlain LHIN. Since the implementation of the partnership with OMSC in Eastern Ontario, an impressive 100,000 smokers have been reached through personalized and best practice tobacco dependence treatment, resulting in…

Posted on November 16, 2016

It Takes 26 Seconds

Disponible seulement en anglais With Dr. Andrew Pipe of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.  

Posted on November 8, 2016

The Tale of the Mummy

It was a cold November night in 2008. All was quiet save the wind whistling through the bare trees, dark against the evening sky. Inside the computed tomorgraphy (CT) suite of the Ottawa Heart Institute, a small group stood hushed with anticipation. It would be a night that none of them would ever forget. A man and a woman positioned the subject on the…

Posted on November 1, 2016

Smoking Cessation Myth Busters

 1) NICOTINE PATCHES WILL INTERFERE WITH MY MEDICATIONS. FALSE – Nicotine patches are safe to use with all medications. SMOKING interferes with almost all medications. 2) I HAVE TRIED TOO MANY TIMES BEFORE, I CLEARLY CANNOT SUCCEED. FALSE – Having tried before is a predictor of success. The more often people have tried to quit, the more likely they are to finally succeed. Practice…

Posted on October 14, 2016

Quitting Smoking is the Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health!

The Quit Smoking Program (QSP) is a nurse-led clinic that provides you with one-on-one support during your attempt to quit. The program provides a non-judgmental and supportive environment where a “quit plan” is tailored to meet your individual needs. Anyone may self-refer to the program, or be referred by a healthcare provider. The cost is covered by OHIP. What to Expect We hold Information…

Posted on October 14, 2016

Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease

A good night’s sleep restores energy, improves performance and generally makes you feel better. Getting the right amount of sleep is also important for good heart health. A South Korean study of more than 47,000 adults found that people who sleep about seven hours a night have significantly fewer calcium deposits in their arteries. These deposits narrow blood vessels, stiffen artery walls and can…

Posted on October 10, 2016

Cardiac Arrest: Caring for the Brain as Well as the Heart

A team at the Ottawa Heart Institute is working to further improve survival rates and outcomes for cardiac arrest patients who make it to the hospital, through its Regional Cardiac Arrest Program—the first of its kind in Canada. The program and the Code ROSC protocol are built on the model of Heart Institute’s highly influential Code STEMI heart attack program, pioneered by cardiologist Michel Le May, MD….

Posted on October 10, 2016