Living with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)

The University of Ottawa Heart Institute Patient Alumni held its second Meet the Expert conference at the Heart and Crown Pub on Preston Street in Ottawa on May 23rd at 5:30PM.

Peter Croal patient living with Afib telling his story.

Over 70 guests were present to hear and share their experience with our distinguished speakers from the Heart Institute (HI): Dr. David Birnie, Director of the Arrhythmia Service, Ms. Bonnie Quinlan, Advanced Practice Nurse in Cardiology, Ms. Carolyne Brousseau, Complex Arrhythmia Nurse in Cardiology; and Ms. Peter Croal an UOHI AFib Patient.              


Panel listening to Peter Croal , patient telling how he is living with Afib

The purpose of the evening was to continue to connect Heart Institute patients, family and friends, with experts on a variety of topics related to heart disease. The setting was informal, because the Alumni want the sessions to promote social interaction. This event more than achieved that purpose. The feedback tells us these sessions are very valuable, so we intend to continue to schedule further conferences.

Peter Croall, David Birnie, Bonnie Quinlan, Carolyne Brouseau Panel members



During the evening, we were fortunate to have amongst our registered guests, some former patients and UOHI staff members who generously shared their views and life experiences in dealing with AFib.

The information provided by the panel was found to be extremely thought-provoking, well explained and presented in a way that was easily understood by all. Participants commented that they had a much better understanding of the issue after the excellent presentation by our guest speakers.

David Birnie answering questions from the audience