Some Refreshing Drink Recipes to Keep your Cool

It’s summertime, which means plenty of hot days and some heat waves. Fluids play many important roles in our body and help to keep us healthy and hydrated.  It’s important to drink enough fluids on hot and humid days, no matter what you’re doing. Hydration is key to keeping your body functioning well and drinking water is the best source.  Remember that not all drinks are created equal: limit your intake of fruit juices, pop and other sugar sweetened drinks and choose water instead. 

How much water does your body really need?  What does being well hydrated mean?  The amount of water a person needs depends on many factors: age, gender, weather conditions, clothing worn, exercise intensity and duration and your physical state of well-being. Listen to your body and if you feel thirsty, drink water. A good indicator of your hydration is the colour of your urine.  Pale and clear urine means you are well hydrated; if it’s a concentrated yellow or dark colour then you need to drink more fluids.

Sizzling summer temperatures call for some cool, refreshing drinks.  Here are some recipes you might like to try to keep you and your loved ones well hydrated:

Refreshing Lemon Ginger Water

1.5 litres of water
6 to 8 thinly peeled slices of fresh ginger
6 slices of thinly sliced lemon
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice

Mix all of the ingredients in a glass jug or mason jar and refrigerate.  When cold, pour a glass and enjoy.  Add ice cubes to keep beverage cold longer.  Makes about 4 servings.

Cooling Cucumber Mint Water

1.5 litres water
Approximately ½ cup of thinly sliced, peeled cucumbers
5 to 6 mint leaves

Mix all of the ingredients in a glass jug or mason jar and refrigerate.  When cold, pour into a glass and enjoy.  Add ice cubes to keep beverage cold longer.  Makes about 4 servings.

Banana Berry Bomb

I scream, you scream, we all scream for …. ice cream!  This recipe is simple, quick, and doesn’t require an ice cream maker – you can use your blender or food processor.

2 ripe bananas, sliced and frozen
1 cup of frozen blueberries
¾ cup milk of your choice

Place the ingredients into a food processor or blender and blend.  Occasionally scrape down the sides and continue to blend until smooth (approx. 3 to 5 minutes).  Scoop into bowls and enjoy immediately as a soft serve ice cream.  Makes approximately 4 servings depending on how many scoops you like.

You can add roasted chopped walnuts or almonds on top.
You can add a teaspoon or two of honey or maple syrup.
You can add a sprinkle or two of ground cinnamon while blending.
You can add a tablespoon of your favourite nut butter while blending.

Contributed by Maria Connell, Holistic Nutrition.  July 2020